The seventh video in America’s Boating Channel’s™ Fourth Season of boating safety and boater education videos, “Life Jacket Labels,” will premiere today at 4 p.m. ET on the internet and through social media.
The new title will debut on AmericasBoatingChannel.com and America’s Boating Channel on YouTube.
“Life Jacket Labels” shows the new labeling system now being adopted for life jackets. Viewers will also learn about performance levels based on newtons. Also featured are tips regarding ISO-based warning icons.

America’s Boating Channel launched “Boater Education,” “Engine Cut-Off Devices,” and “Life Jacket Care” in May, and “Behavioral Consequences,” “Introducing ATONS” and “Dispelling BUI Myths” in June, generating increased viewership as Americans stayed home to protect themselves and others from the coronavirus pandemic.
Recreational boating is experiencing higher levels in 2020 as people resume outdoor activities. Screening boater education videos is an excellent way for boaters to prepare for safer experiences on the water.
The service also recently completed a six-episode flight of highly viewed weekly online magazine shows called “America’s Boating Channel LIVE,” designed to help recreational boaters cope with sheltering in place. The entire series can be accessed at bit.ly/LIVEBinge.